Eiderdown Pillows & Comforters

Eiderdown pillows and comforters - luxury bedding unmatched

Eiderdown is the most valuable down in the world, originating from the deserted nests of the eider duck. The eider duck is a wild waterfowl that lives on the shorelines of the cold North Atlantic Ocean. Because of the harsh climate, the bird has developed a very dense and “sticky” down that clings to itself with interlocking clusters. The dense nature of the down allows for it to trap more air and provide more insulation than other down that would fill the same volume of space.

The result is a thin comforter with a fantastic warmth to weight ratio, or a soft pillow with a unique spongy feel. Because of its interlocking structure, fill power is not a relevant measurement of eiderdown quality.

Eiderdown is so light in weight, you could close your eyes as someone dropped a clump of it into the palm of your hand, and you would feel nothing but the warmth. Eiderdown comforters are of heirloom quality and for those who know the true value of its rarity.

The reason for the high cost of eiderdown is simply a matter of supply and demand. There are only about 2,000 kilos available in the world market each year. This is because the ducks pluck their own down in the breeding season to feather their nest and keep the eggs warm. Other down is a byproduct of domestic ducks and geese raised for meat, but eider ducks are protected from commercial harvesting so the only supply is the down from their abandoned nests. This is collected and picked clean by hand, and the supply is very limited, resulting in a very high cost.

A beacker of 1 ounce of eiderdown